
Practicum Requirement Update *This is an important update for Practicum Training Agencies and future CIPHI Candidates.*

December 18, 2021

The Board of Certification (BOC) has amended Administrative Policy 3 and
the associated “Practicum Guideline for Training Agency & Trainees –
Revised November 2021

See this document, below are some highlighted changes:

  1. 1. During the course of the practicum, candidates are now required to obtain a minimum of 420 hours that are directly related to the Learning Module Goals. This will be done as follows:
  • Candidates are responsible for tracking hours during the minimum period of 12 calendar weeks and *420 hours *of supervised work, not including travel time.
  • Candidates who submit inaccurate, incomplete, or ineligible practicum documentation may be refused examination and are subject to an administrative fee in accordance with BOC policy 6.
  • Practicum Coordinators are responsible for ensuring that the candidates hours are accurate.
  • The BOC is also auditing candidate practicum hours to confirm that the minimum 420 hours have been met, before allowing the candidate to sit the Oral BOC Exam.

2. To be eligible to take the BOC exam, candidates must have successfully completed a practicum at least 50 days before and no more than 5 years prior to the oral exam date to which the candidate is applying. Candidates who have not successfully completed a practicum within 5 years of the oral exam date are not eligible to apply for the BOC examination.

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