Association Documents

Career Pamphlets

Documents required to apply for certification can be found on the Board of Certification page.


Documents pertaining to continuing professional development can be found on the Continuing Professional Development page.

NEC Minutes

Archived Minutes

CIPHI has found a copy of the oldest surviving document regarding the history of the institute, the minutes of the 7th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Sanitary Association, held in August 1920 in Edmonton, AB. This document contains the proceedings and educational presentations, including an interesting one titled “The Dawn of Hygiene.”

AGM minutes and reports

Retiree Advisory Committee documents

Terms of Reference

The latest version of the  Retirees Advisory Committee Terms of Reference was reviewed and updated in collaboration with and approval of the CIPHI National Executive Council in May 2024.  Click Here



  1. Updated Retirees Advisory Committee Terms of Reference (completed May 2024) Click Here
  2. CPHI(C) Retiree Survey (April 2022) Click Here
  3. Charlie Young Mentor National Award
  4. CIPHI Centennarian Recognition
  5. Advocating for a 60 and 70 year CIPHI member lapel pin
  6. Advocating for a CIPHI In Memorian page on the national website.
  7. Advocating for educational webinars for retirees.


Senator Forum Newsletters

Produced and written by Retirees Advisory Committee members, affectionately known as “Senators,” these newsletters share valuable information from retired environmental public health professionals (also known as public health inspectors and environmental health officers), and connect and involve them with the public health community.

CIPHI National Annual General Meeting: Retirees Advisory Committee reports to CIPHI membership


2024 Retirees Advisory Committee Minutes

2023 Retirees Advisory Comittee Minutes

Promotional materials