Practicum Documents
Applying for certification
Exam Resources
Procedural Information
Entering the profession
How do I become a Certified Public Health Inspector (Canada)?
There are four steps in this process.
More detailed information can be found in the Candidate Information Package.
Which educational institutions offer courses required to become a certified environmental public health professional?
There are currently six BoC-accredited educational institutions accepting students in Canada:
Members of the Canadian Armed Forces may contact the BoC Canadian Armed Forces representative for more information at
Do I have to be a member of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI) to sit the Certification Exam?
Yes, all applications to sit a Certification Exam must include proof of current student membership in the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors.
Practicum questions
Is there a document that outlines the objectives of the 12-week long practicum and provides details about the roles and responsibilities for both the trainee and the training agency?
Yes, the CIPHI Board of Certification Practicum Guideline for Training Agency and Trainees (November 2021) outlines the objectives and delivery of the practicum process.
What is the maximum timeframe for me to sit the oral exam once I have completed my first practicum?
Five years. An applicant who applies to sit the oral exam but has not completed their practicum within the past five years will be required to complete an additional 12-week practicum prior to being approved to sit the oral exam.
Written reports and plagiarism
Can I submit a written report on an animal bite investigation for my Certification Exam?
No. Animal bite investigation reports are not allowed for the Certification Exam due to a continuous high-similarity percentage detected by the iThenticate software. Due to the ongoing risk of plagiarism, this type of report is no longer permitted. See more on plagiarism.
As a mentor, may I share my previous practicum written reports with students, or may I provide students with an electronic version of a written report?
It is strongly discouraged to share written reports with anyone or to allow the reports to leave your possession or sight for two reasons:
How much feedback should a mentor provide to the candidate in the written report review process?
The Board of Certification Practicum Guideline for Training Agencies and Trainees requires a mentor to review written reports for the following:
However, changes or suggestions of all kinds, other than the removal of inappropriate and confidential information, are prohibited, including, but not limited to, spelling, grammar, punctuation, typographical errors, formatting, and inputting or deleting words.
The final practicum written report must reflect the candidate’s report-writing abilities and not those of the mentor.
What is plagiarism?
“Plagiarism is the copying or paraphrasing of other people’s work or ideas into your own work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition. Collusion is another form of plagiarism involving the unauthorized collaboration of students (or others) in a piece of work.” (Source: University of Oxford)
How is plagiarism determined for written report assessments? What actions are taken to address it?
Formal reviews of examinations are part of the evaluation and quality improvement system used by the Board of Certification (BoC) to grant certification. These reviews of examinations identify and address significant irregularities in the conduct of the examination process, including the process of determining that a report has been plagiarized following detection by an electronic plagiarism assessment tool. This assessment tool is a web-based resource used to detect occurrences of plagiarism and searches 24 billion pages on the internet, 120 million articles from journals, periodicals, and books, and holds 250 million archived student papers, including CIPHI BoC report submissions.
Where reports are shown to match a total of 30% or greater to other sources, the BoC member responsible for the initial review will conduct a thorough review to determine if the individual matches are significant and warrant further investigation. If the report has a match of 5% or greater with another source, particularly a previously submitted BoC report, it will be verified in detail.
Where the BoC has found the report to be fraudulent or plagiarized, the candidate will be notified in writing (at the same time as the exam results are sent out to candidates) of the following:
Guidelines for the appeal process can be found in the Candidate Information Package and in NOP #6 – Formal BoC Review Panel.
Questions about the Certification Exam process
Where do I submit my Certification Exam documents?
All documents to apply to sit a Certification Exam must be submitted digitally to Please follow the file format stated in the Candidate Information Guideline found in the Candidate Information Package.
When do I have to send in my Certification Exam documents?
All documentation must be received by the CIPHI Office at least 50 days before the examination date.
If I am still completing my practicum at the 50-day deadline for submission of my documents, can I submit them after I have completed my practicum?
The practicum needs to be completed at least 50 days prior to the oral exam date in order to be eligible to sit the oral exam. The Candidate and Practicum Evaluation (mid-term and final) shall be submitted by the candidate to the CIPHI Office no later than 50 days prior to the oral exam.
My employer is holding “mock orals” in an effort to help students better prepare for the oral exam. Are there any guidelines or assistance that the Board of Certification can provide?
Where can I find a sample of the question format used in the oral exam?
Yes. The marking scheme is found in the Candidate Information Package. It provides a detailed breakdown of where marks are assigned by the examiners.
Certification Exam questions
Can you tell me how many people passed or failed the most recent Certification Exam?
Please see the Board of Certification Examination Statistics.
Is there a marking scheme that I can refer to for the written reports?
Yes. The marking scheme is found in the Candidate Information Package. It provides a detailed breakdown of where marks are assigned by the examiners.
If I fail my written formal report, can I resubmit a written report based on the same inspection?
No, any submission of a written report following a failed mark must be based on a different inspection and cannot be a rewrite of a failed written report.
If I fail the oral exam and/or the written reports, can I retake the Certification Exam?
Yes. each candidate is permitted to attempt the oral and or written segment of the BOC exam a maximum of four (4) times. Certification Exam attempts must occur within five years of the successful completion of a practicum.
If I fail the oral exam and/or the written report, do I have to repeat the practicum?
A Certification Exam attempt must occur within five years of the successful completion of a practicum. If you do not successfully obtain CPHI(C) within five years of successful completion of your initial practicum, you must secure an additional 12-week practicum and redo both written reports, as well as the oral exam segment of the Certification Exam.
Questions about fees
Are there different tax rates for different provinces and territories?
Yes. Applicable provincial tax rates must be added to all Board of Certification fees.
A candidate’s mailing address is used to determine the applicable provincial/territorial tax rate. Please refer to the Board of Certification Price Chart to determine your correct fee and tax amount.
What is the Board of Certification’s policy on refunds?
Please see the Candidate Information Package for detailed information about refunds.
Accommodation requests
What is an accommodation?
A test accommodation is a modification to the standard administration of an exam to address a human rights-related functional limitation.
How do I apply for an accommodation?
Accommodation information can be found in BOC Administrative Policies – Policy 11. Candidates seeking exam accommodation(s) are required to submit the following to the CIPHI office:
What is the deadline to apply for an accommodation?
All forms and documents supporting a request for exam accommodation must be received by the CIPHI Office 90 days before the examination date. The board will notify the candidate in writing of the result of the request shortly after receiving the request for accommodation.
How much does it cost to apply for an accommodation?
There is no cost to accommodation applications.
Questions about replacement certificates
I lost my certificate. How can I get it replaced?
Complete a BOC Policy 5: Appendix J Certificate Replacement Application for a new certificate.
How can I learn more about the Board of Certification?
Where can I obtain the complete regulations that govern the operation of the Board of Certification?
If I have any further questions, who can I contact?
Please contact the CIPHI Office at 1.888.245.8180 or