
The Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors takes pride in recognizing its members and public health partners. The Ontario Branch, along with the CIPHI National Branch and Environmental Health Foundation of Canada offer several awards and bursaries.

Every year, the Ontario Branch of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors acknowledges individuals, groups or agencies for their accomplishments and significant contributions to the field of public health, the profession of public health inspection and/or the institute.  Awards and bursaries are presented at the Awards Luncheon held during the Annual Educational Conference.

It’s that time of year again!!  The CIPHI Ontario Branch Executive is very excited to provide a full list of awards and bursaries that will allow us to honour deserving environmental and public health professionals at this year’s conference!  We hope that you will take the time review the awards and bursaries and if you know someone (we all do!) that is deserving of an award or bursary, please consider nominating them or applying for a bursary yourself.

How to apply or nominate a colleague:

Please submit applications electronically to:, in the subject line please state “2024 CIPHI ON Award/Bursary Application – [Name of bursary/award].”

Nomination forms can be downloaded directly in each award section.

Deadline for submissions is September 9, 2024.

Should you have any questions, email