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Historical Documents
History is who we are, and why we are the way we are ~ David McCullough (Author; Historian)
Welcome to the CIPHI Ontario Branch archive. On this page you will find a selection of documents produced over the years by members and colleagues. The Ontario Branch Executive hopes you find these records to be both informative and interesting.
The Training Notes are a collection of In-Service documents that were provided to Public Health Inspectors attending annual training sessions hosted jointly by CIPHI – Ontario Branch and the Ontario Agricultural College during the 1960’s and 1970’s.
The Manual is the oldest document presently in our collection. It’s full title is the Manual for Sanitary Inspectors, published by the Canadian Public Health Association in 1947. This is commonly known as “The Major’s Manual” due to the extensive input of a man who had a tremendous influence on public health in Canada, Major A.S. O’Hara.
And finally we have a large collection of back issues of the Ontario Branch News, beginning in 1950. It is fascinating to see that many of the issues and debates we are having today are not new to our profession, but were also concerns to those that have gone before us.
As we are able to sort through the many documents we have in storage, the plan is to continue to digitize and post documents that are of historic value. If anyone has documents that they feel may be of interest to our members, or of historic significance, please contact the Communications Councillor at
(Disclaimer: Please note that the the technical information presented in these documents may no longer be valid or considered best practice. They are presented for historic purposes only.)