Back Alley Named In Honour Of Public Health Inspector

The Lethbridge Historical Society recent recognized one of the city’s first sanitation and health inspectors, John T.J. Vallance by naming an alley after him.

John T.J. Vallance moved to Lethbridge in 1909 after accepting the role of City Sanitary Inspector for the 7,000 residents in the community. He remained a driving force in public health for the next 43 years, making him one of the longest serving civil servants in the City of Lethbridge at the time. During his career he helped implement new technologies of the era to help prevent the spread of disease and championed for the city to invest in water treatment including a filtration plant and chlorination, successfully bringing this important health measure to the city in 1916. Vallance retired in 1953 and passed away in 1968.

CIPHI Virtual Education Session May 30, 2024

Hurricane Fiona An Environmental Health Response & Relief Effort Thursday May 30th 12:00pm EST

This presentation will highlight resources, procedure and communication in the role of Environmental Health and response to Hurricane Fiona weather event in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. There were significant impacts on the Southwest Coast of the island resulting in injuries, infrastructure damage, significant erosion along the coastline and even death. Fiona occurred on Sept 24, 2022 creating an enormous storm surge that destroyed over 100 homes and displaced hundreds of residents. Recovery efforts are still ongoing. Features of the presentation will include data collection during initial assessment, cleanup and recovery.

Meeting Registration – Zoom

The Member Service (MSC) Centre portal is now open to enter PDHs

The Member Service Centre (MSC) has been locked for entering PDHs due to edits and important updates being made in the back end.  We are pleased to inform you that the system is now open for Members to log in and begin entering PDHs.
The March CoPE communication on What’s New with CoPE, highlights revisions made to the PDH Entry Tool and the changes made to some PD entry categories.  
A new CoPE FAQs document has been created based on some feedback received from Members and the MSC portal entry guide has also been updated and posted on CIPHI website for your convenience.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact
Sincerely,  Council of Professional Experience CPC Program Information Member Service Centre

CIPHI Virtual Education Series

Thank you to those who attended the December 20th Virtual Education Session. Please watch the website and your email for future educational session.

“Change, Now You Go First (Effectively Dealing with Change)” with Gary Summers

When: December 20th, 2023, 12pm-1:00pm (EST)

Change can be a very scary thing. Stepping outside your comfort zone and walking into the unknown.  As the old cliché goes – The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know.  The good news is that it does not have to be that way.  Change will make life different but that does not mean it has to be bad or terrible.  It is all about getting used to your “New Normal.” It is not “change” that creates the issue but how you handle the transition period.