Advocacy Updates: 2024 Recruitment Campaign and 2025 Focus Areas

In 2024, we successfully completed our third national advocacy campaign, targeting current and recent post-secondary science graduates. The campaign aimed to raise awareness of Environmental Public Health (EPH) as an exciting and rewarding career path.  Below are links to the 2024 CIPHI Recruitment Campaign Report and 2024 CIPHI Recruitment Campaign Report: Summary

Looking ahead, our focus will shift to employers and governments. We will emphasize the benefits of hiring CPHI (C), highlighting our unique skill sets, broad scope of work, rigorous certification process, and continuing professional competency program.

Additionally, keep an eye on your inbox—CIPHI National will soon be conducting a member survey to gather your input on our initiatives and efforts to advance the profession.

A Career Outside of the Ordinary

Phase one of the national recruitment campaign launched on July 31, 2024 and will run for the next 6 weeks. The campaign will target current and recently graduated post-secondary students with a background in science. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness of EPH as an exciting and rewarding career path and to encourage them to learn more. During these six weeks, various digital ads and social media ads (Instagram, TikTok) will run. Below are images you may see during this campaign.

Images can be found in the promotional materials folder Association Documents – ciphi

The Member Service (MSC) Centre portal is now open to enter PDHs

The Member Service Centre (MSC) has been locked for entering PDHs due to edits and important updates being made in the back end.  We are pleased to inform you that the system is now open for Members to log in and begin entering PDHs.
The March CoPE communication on What’s New with CoPE, highlights revisions made to the PDH Entry Tool and the changes made to some PD entry categories.  
A new CoPE FAQs document has been created based on some feedback received from Members and the MSC portal entry guide has also been updated and posted on CIPHI website for your convenience.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact
Sincerely,  Council of Professional Experience CPC Program Information Member Service Centre

Dear members,

CIPHI is excited to announce that we are upgrading our communication platform for emailing information to members. The Listserv platform currently in use will be switched over to Mailchimp effective March 1, 2024. All CIPHI members in the Member Service Centre portal will be added to the Mailchimp distribution for CIPHI notifications. 

CIPHI members are asked to verify their member email addresses listed in the MSC portal ( ) to ensure all MSC member emails are accurate and up-to-date by February 29th, 2024.   

Once the switchover has occurred, Mailchimp will have an unsubscribe button at the bottom of the e-blast email should you wish to unsubscribe from the distribution list from a particular email account. Any non-members currently subscribed to the Listserv who want to remain informed of CIPHI notification emails can go to the webpage and click on the SUBSCRIBE button on the top right of the website page.

If you would like to send out an e-blast to the CIPHI email subscription, please email: with your request after March 1st. Before sending, please conduct a comprehensive review of NOP #18 Appendix B to ensure complete adherence to e-blast requirements.


The National Executive Council 

CIPHI Virtual Education Series

Thank you to those who attended the December 20th Virtual Education Session. Please watch the website and your email for future educational session.

“Change, Now You Go First (Effectively Dealing with Change)” with Gary Summers

When: December 20th, 2023, 12pm-1:00pm (EST)

Change can be a very scary thing. Stepping outside your comfort zone and walking into the unknown.  As the old cliché goes – The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know.  The good news is that it does not have to be that way.  Change will make life different but that does not mean it has to be bad or terrible.  It is all about getting used to your “New Normal.” It is not “change” that creates the issue but how you handle the transition period.

CIPHI National Virtual Education Series – Call for Abstracts

The Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors Education Committee is seeking presentations that support our endeavor to provide education sessions to our members. As part of the Centre of Professional Excellence (CoPE) requirements for professional development hours, we strive to provide our members with education in the professional competencies for environmental public health professionals. We offer monthly education sessions for members to grow, learn, and connect with others.

The call for Abstracts is now open and can encompass technical presentations, ongoing research and initiatives, and skill building opportunities. Environmental public health is the cornerstone of safe and thriving communities. Abstracts are welcomed from all public health partners and industry professionals.

Submission deadline is the last Friday of each month.

Selected speakers will be contacted by email and given 3 weeks of notice of an intended session date. For more information, email and download the Speaker Abstract Submission Form.